[Moloco] Senior Growth Data Scientist (Chinese Speaking)
몰로코💰 취업축하금 50만원
- 🌲매출액 20% 지속성장
- 💰시리즈C 투자유치
- 🚆2호선 역세권 기업
- 💰1,000억 이상 투자유치
- #누적투자금100억이상
- #재택근무
포지션 상세 정보
- 기술스택
- 주요업무
[ The Impact You’ll Be Contributing to Moloco ] Data Science and Analytics (DSA) is a global team of data scientists and analysts. As a Growth Data Scientist, you will provide data products, e.g. raw data, campaign facts, and growth insights to help customers improve campaign performance and maximize their business goals with Moloco. [ The Opportunity ] Moloco Growth Data Scientist contributes in the following areas, all while working cross-functionally to help meet our client’s needs and advance our machine learning models. • Data Analysis: data gathering, analysis, and effective communication of presentations and recommendations to multiple levels of stakeholders. You’ll be responsible for creating custom visual displays of quantitative information through writing queries, and scripts, and developing automated reports and dashboards to provide insights at scale. • Data validation: verifying the data we obtain from ad exchanges and mobile-app tracking solutions to confirm our campaign models are trained with the most accurate engagement data. • Campaign optimization: engaging in the life cycle of campaigns, from monitoring daily performance to partnering with sales teams on bespoke analysis for clients. • Business Collaboration: collaborate with key stakeholders to help Moloco focus on decisions that improve our products and services, with a focus on client growth.
- 자격요건
• Fluent in speaking and writing both Chinese and English. • Ability to travel up to 35% of the time as required to China • Master's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 5+ years of experience working with statistical packages (e.g., Python, SQL). • Statistics: must have strong knowledge and experience in experimental design, hypothesis testing, and various statistical analyses such as regression or time-series analysis. • Programming: experience in Python and SQL is required. • Comfortable balancing multiple projects simultaneously and effectively prioritizing work based on business needs. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to present information and analysis results effectively to technical and less technical stakeholders (including Moloco end clients). • Ability to build positive relationships within the data science & analytics community, as well as with our business stakeholders and clients., • Work effectively with cross-functional and cross-cultural partners. • Have an interest in data, metrics, analysis, and trends from the mindset of helping a customer-centric business. Know when to apply statistical measurement vs 80-20 analysis for business growth.
- 우대사항
• Ph.D. degree in a quantitative discipline. • Ability to manage multiple projects at the same time while paying attention to detail. • Distinctive problem-solving skills, good at articulating product and business questions, pulling data from large datasets, and using statistics to arrive at a recommendation. • Proven ability to own projects end-to-end, even when you have to get creative: you do more than complete delegated tasks. • Demonstrated leadership and self-direction. Willingness to both teach others and learn new techniques. • Ability to seek out new business questions and effectively scope projects to support client growth, re-engagement, and overall campaign strategy and performance.
- 복지 및 혜택
• 입사자 주식 무상 지급(RSU) • 직원 중심, 데이터 중심의 실리콘밸리식 조직 문화 • 무제한 휴가, 자율 출퇴근, 자율 재택근무 등 직원의 워라밸을 배려한 제도 운영 • 자기계발비, 체력단련비, 교통비 별도 지원 • 무료 스낵바/커피머신/음료코너 제공 및 와인셀러 구비 • 격주 TGIF 이벤트, 다양한 사내 클럽 활동 등
- 채용절차 및 기타 지원 유의사항
• 담당 매니저가 외국인이므로 영문 이력서로 접수 바랍니다. • Please apply resume in English.
기업/서비스 소개
기업상세 정보로 이동![몰로코_[Moloco] Senior Growth Data Scientist (Chinese Speaking)](https://cdn.jumpit.co.kr/lg/images/wilson_21227/20221521081503486_2048_1360.webp)
![몰로코_[Moloco] Senior Growth Data Scientist (Chinese Speaking)](https://cdn.jumpit.co.kr/lg/images/wilson_21227/20221521081504064_2048_1367.webp)
![몰로코_[Moloco] Senior Growth Data Scientist (Chinese Speaking)](https://cdn.jumpit.co.kr/lg/images/wilson_21227/20221521081504753_2048_1363.webp)
![몰로코_[Moloco] Senior Growth Data Scientist (Chinese Speaking)](https://cdn.jumpit.co.kr/lg/images/wilson_21227/20221521081505178_2048_1357.webp)
![몰로코_[Moloco] Senior Growth Data Scientist (Chinese Speaking)](https://cdn.jumpit.co.kr/lg/images/wilson_21227/20221521081505965_2048_1363.webp)
![몰로코_[Moloco] Senior Growth Data Scientist (Chinese Speaking)](https://cdn.jumpit.co.kr/lg/images/wilson_21227/20221521081506405_2048_1363.webp)
![몰로코_[Moloco] Senior Growth Data Scientist (Chinese Speaking)](https://cdn.jumpit.co.kr/lg/images/wilson_21227/20221521081506848_2048_1365.webp)
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몰로코는 모바일 광고 기반의 머신러닝 솔루션 기업으로서 지난 2013년에 YouTube 알고리즘을 개발한 안익진 대표께서 실리콘밸리에 창업한 이후 매년 100% 이상의 매출 성장을 이룩하는 등 모바일 광고기술 분야에서 대표 기업으로 자리 잡았습니다. 한국인이 실리콘밸리에서 창업한 ML/AI기업 중에서 첫 유니콘으로 선정되었으며, 최근 Google/Meta와 함께 세계 5대 광고 네트워크로 선정되는 등 기술력을 인정받습니다. 또한 1억 5000만달러 투자 유치, 한국의 마케터상, 구글 클라우드 고객어워즈 수상, 코리아 대표 AI 스타트업 선정, 과기정통부 장관상 등 국내외적으로 공식적인 인정까지 받고 있습니다. • 몰로코, 세계 Top5 광고네트워크 선정 : https://www.moloco.com/ko/blog/singularindex2022?utm_content=197572655&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin&hss_channel=lcp-6598158 • 몰로코, 1억 5000만달러 규모 시리즈C 투자유치 퀘거 : https://www.mk.co.kr/news/business/view/2021/08/799386/ • 몰로코 대표, 2021 대한민국브랜드대상 한국의 마케터상 수상 : https://m.mk.co.kr/news/business/view/2021/10/987641/ • 몰로코, 테크놀로지 패스트 500 선정 : https://www.mk.co.kr/news/business/view/2021/11/1096115/ • 몰로코, 구글 클라우드 고객 어워즈 수상 : https://www.datanet.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=165259 • 몰로코, 과기정통부 장관상 수상 : https://zdnet.co.kr/view/?no=20211121182039 • 몰로코, 코리아 AI 스타트업 100 선정 : https://zdnet.co.kr/view/?no=20211121182039 본사인 실리콘밸리를 비롯하여 샌프란시스코, 시애틀, 뉴욕, 런던, 베를린, 싱가포르, 도쿄, 북경, 인도, 서울에 오피스를 두고 있으며, Global IT업계 출신의 Top급 인력 500여명이 성공 로켓에 함께 하고 있습니다. 앞으로 MOLOCO는 모바일광고기술 분야를 비롯한, E-Commerce, 미디어 등 Data를 통한 수익화가 필요한 산업 전분야에 독보적인 당사의 머신러닝 기술을 확대하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.