Software Engineer - Planning and Control

💰 취업축하금 50만원
  • 🚆2호선 역세권 기업
  • 💰시리즈B 투자유치

포지션 상세 정보

Unreal EngineUnreal Engine
• Develop vehicle/robot path planning and motion control system around world’s best perception technologies
• Develop multi-agent planning technology and implement to software product
• Develop and integrate software utilities for simulation and algorithm evaluation
• Develop and integrate autonomous driving software to vehicle/robot hardware
• B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. in CS, EE, ME or related technical field with 2+ years of industry
• Strong experience programming in C++ and Python with robust and efficient code
• Experience in vehicle/robot path planning and motion control system development
• Knowledge and implementation experience in robotic algorithm such as Kalman Filter tracking and A* planning
• Strong mathematics skills - dynamics, linear algebra, probability, and statistics
• Experience in motion simulation tools such as Unreal Engine, Unity, and V-REP
• Experience in in-vehicle software system and CAN protocol
• Experience in network protocols and systems
• Experience in Functional Safety standards
복지 및 혜택
• International Team (English is a must, Korea is an optional)
• Flexible working hour (8 hours a day / Core time: 11~12, 14~17)
• 15 vacations a year (Free to use)
• No dress code
• Support the best equipment for work
• Premium health check (Once a year)
• Support books, seminars and conferences for growth
채용절차 및 기타 지원 유의사항
[영문 이력서를 꼭 첨부해주세요. 영문 이력서 미첨부시 자동으로 불합격처리됩니다.]

• Apply ▷ CV Screening ▷ 1. Interview ▷ Tech Interview (Assignment) ▷ Final Interview ▷ Join Us!

포지션 경력/학력/마감일/근무지역 정보

경력 2~10년
대학교졸업(4년) 이상(졸업예정자 가능)
  • 서울 서초구 반포대로22길 4

기업/서비스 소개

기업상세 정보로 이동
서울로보틱스_Software Engineer - Planning and Control
서울로보틱스_Software Engineer - Planning and Control
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Seoul Robotics is a tech company with the mission “Making Robots intelligent”. Our current focus is to build intelligent cars that will not crash as we can do better than others with our technologies. We strongly believe it is time to make society better with our technology.

This position is a great opportunity to join a company invested in engineering for the future.