포지션 상세 정보
- 기술스택
- GitkubernetesansibleAnsiblered hat openshiftPythonlinuxDockerNetworkRed Hat OpenShift
- 주요업무
[Primary job responsibilities] • Participate as an onsite engineer working directly out of a partners office • Daily activities will be understanding partner issues and aspirations then assisting the partner to address and move forward by deploying, automating, demonstrating, troubleshooting and documenting the partner required integrations • Provide timely status reports describing progress and blockers of technical collaboration between Red Hat (TAM, Product Engineering, etc.) and our partner. • Play an active role researching and then integrating various Kubernetes, KVM, and Telco features into a unified solution. • Troubleshoot, analyze root cause, and provide resolutions to various issues from assigned Telco Partner • As a part of a geographically distributed team, you will collaborate with multiple Red Hat engineering teams including the Solutions and Engagement team on partner reference solution development. • Review and validate design, enhancement proposals, and patches • Work with the quality engineering team (QE) to ensure effective test coverage of Partners use case and encountered issues • Publicize the team's work through blogs, web postings, or conference talks
- 자격요건
[Required skills] • Proficient in the administration (DevOps) of OpenShift clusters and container related technologies (docker / podman, cri-o, etcd) • Experience with automation tools and/or scripting languages (Ansible, bash, python) • Demonstrable experience with networking technology (server, switch or appliance configuration), key networking protocols, tunneling technologies, switching, and routing • Proficient in Linux operation and administration • Familiarity with open source projects (git workflows) • Ability to quickly learn new technologies • Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent working experience • Good written and verbal communication skills in English and Korean
- 우대사항
[The following are considered a plus] • Experience deploying or supporting Wireless Telco environments • Experience with Red Hat OpenShift, Open vSwitch (OVS), and Open Virtual Network (OVN) • Experience with virtualization technologies (QEMU, KVM, etc) • Experience with CI/CD systems • Experience using, supporting, or troubleshooting various VNFs / CNFs • Comfortable providing support and knowledge transfer to other teams as they onboard with new technologies. • RHCE or equivalent RHEL knowledge
- 복지 및 혜택
• Red Hat의 문화는 투명성, 협업 및 포용의 오픈 소스 원칙을 기반으로 구축되어 있으며, 다양한 배경, 관점 및 경험을 가진 사람들이 모여 아이디어를 공유하고 현상에 도전하며 혁신을 추진할 수 있습니다. 우리의 염원은 모든 사람이 이 문화를 동등한 기회와 접근으로 경험하고 모든 목소리를 듣고 함께 나누는 것입니다. • Red Hat은 기회균등직장이자 차별 철폐 조치 기업이라는 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 우리는 인종, 피부색, 종교, 성별, 성적 지향, 성 정체성, 국적, 조상, 시민권, 나이, 참전 용사 지위, 유전 정보, 신체 또는 정신 장애, 의료 상태, 혼인 상태, 기타 법률에 의해 금지된 근거에 관계없이 취업 지원서를 심사합니다. • 휴가를 자유롭게 사용하며 레드햇 프로그램 무상 교육 및 자기 개발 학습비를 지원합니다. • 유연한 근무환경(재택 또는 오피스 선택)을 제공합니다.
- 채용절차 및 기타 지원 유의사항
[채용절차] • 서류전형 → TA Screen[비대면 영상통화] → 1차 영어인터뷰[비대면 영상통화] → 2차 패널 영어인터뷰[비대면 영상통화] → 최종합격 ※절차는 변경될 수 있습니다. [지원 시 주의사항] • 영문이력서 [참고사항] • 서류 합격자에 한해 연락드립니다. • 본 채용은 수시 진행으로 우수 인재 채용 시 마감될 수 있습니다.
기업/서비스 소개
기업상세 정보로 이동1 / 3
[Job summary] Red Hat Engineering is looking for an Integration Engineer to join the Integration team supporting Telco 5G product offerings. You will be part of a team responsible for designing and implementing the container platform for 5G telecommunication companies, contributing to industry-leading technologies in the Kubernetes ecosystem. You will be our team representative embedded with a leading Telco partner. To be successful in this role, you will need to have motivation, curiosity, passion for problem solving, experience with Telco technologies, Linux, Kubernetes, and open source.