CarrotEZ provides a standard app service that suppliers, store operators & consumers of convenience & deli stores can use in any locations.
Currently, there are 152,174 convenience stores in the USA and 165 million consumers visit them daily. Total revenue for the industry was at $663.5 Billion in 2021 and is projected to increase 25% annually. These figures do not include deli stores yet.
CarrotEZ is a product of the experience of working in the industry of convenience and deli, and the analysis of the app economy thereafter. This app service comes after much consideration of two important factors. 1. The confusion caused by the multitude of applications for different brands of convenience stores. 2. The difficulty of each store developing its own application system with respect to maintenance and cost.
CarrotEZ is a flexible and essential application that can be used by suppliers, stores, and consumers. These service will provide additional benefits that would otherwise not be possible with the existing business model. For businesses, it will assist target marketing, increase sales, efficient management of inventory, reduction costs, and fortify competitiveness with supermarkets. For consumers, it will present great customer experiences that are useful, easy-to-use, and enjoyable.
CarrotEZ will continue to eliminate many obstacles in the industry, reinforce sales, and provide creative service outlets. In addition, we plan to provide a cashier-less solution as membership information of the app service to eliminate various incidents and reduce costs when store operation.